Being sleepy and sleep apnea go hand in hand. Up to half of patients with sleep apnea experience excessive daytime sleepiness.[1] Daytime sleepiness can lead to various issues at work, home, and on the road driving. But there is a solution. Treating sleep apnea with CPAP can reduce daytime sleepiness.
Sleepiness has serious consequences
Untreated sleep apnea can cause someone to be very sleepy during the day and suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness.[2] This can mean missing work, important events, and even falling asleep while driving. Driving while sleepy can be very dangerous—10% of car accidents are caused by people not getting enough sleep.[3] At work, not sleeping enough can make it hard to do your job well, make good decisions, and work with others.[4]
Sleep apnea causes your breathing to be stopped and started while you sleep. This prevents your body from getting enough oxygen. Not getting enough oxygen can make you very tired during the day.[2] It can also make it hard to get a good night's sleep. This lack of sleep can make it hard to stay awake and alert during the day.
Stay awake with treatment
Sleep apnea can cause excessive daytime sleepiness. CPAP is a great option to reduce this.[1] CPAP is a device that uses air to keep your airway open while you sleep. It can help you get the rest you need and reduce sleepiness. Studies have found that people who use CPAP for at least 4 hours a night are less tired than those who don't.[2] Also, consistently using CPAP can help avoid missing 2 days of work a year.[4]
Shapiro C et al. CPAP adherence: factors and perspectives. Springer 2022.
Budhiraja R et al. Predictors of sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea at baseline and after 6 months of continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Eur Respir J 2017.
Mulgrew AT et al. Risk and severity of motor vehicle crashes in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnaoea. Thorax 2007.
Frost & Sullivan. Hidden health crisis costing America billions: Underdiagnosing and undertreating obstructive sleep apnea draining healthcare system. 2016